Immigration Place, Canberra

The brief for the Immigration Place Competition was a public park and monument celebrating and commemorating Australia’s history as a migrant culture and recognition of the indigenous heritage of this land.
The proposal was shortlisted out of a large field but was ultimately not selected for completion.
Layers of landscape throughout the site create varied microclimates and emphasise that biodiversity can co-exist within the built environment. Plant species evoke memories of the local indigenous culture and memories of Australia’s migrant past, present and future. Sensory and seasonal experiences for both indigenous and migrant cultures invoke sense memories and tell stories of co-existance and growth.
Architectural Team: Aileen Sage
Artist: Jamie North
Structural Engineer: Event Engineering
Sound Artsist / Composer: Bree Van Reyk
Community and Events Consultant: The Field Institute with A&D Projects
Culinary Consultant: Myffy Rigby
History Consultant: UNSW School of History